What sort of scarring is expected after the lipo 360 procedure?

What is Lipo 360?

Lipo 360 is a type of liposuction procedure that targets the entire midsection area, including the abdomen, waist, hips, and back. The goal is to remove excess fat from those areas to help create a more sculpted midsection. It can also be used to improve body contours and address stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Definition of Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is a surgical procedure that uses a cannula (a thin tube) to suction out unwanted fat from the targeted areas. During the procedure, the surgeon will make several small incisions in the skin through which the cannula is inserted. The fat cells are then broken up and vacuumed out of the body using suction.

Benefits of Lipo 360 Procedure

The main benefit of Lipo 360 is improved body contours and shape. It can help reduce stubborn pockets of fat that may not respond to diet and exercise alone, as well as improve overall body proportions. Additionally, patients who have undergone this procedure often report improved self-confidence due to their improved appearance.

Risks and Side Effects

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with Lipo 360 such as infection, bleeding, scarring, numbness or tingling sensation in the affected area, and an increased risk for blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). other potential side effects include swelling, bruising, discoloration at the site of incision, and temporary pain or discomfort in the treated area.

Types of Scarring Associated with the Lipo 360 Procedure

The lipo 360 procedure is a body contouring technique that can help to slim and reshape your midsection, creating a more toned and attractive silhouette. While it can be an effective way to achieve your desired look, it does come with some risks. One of these risks is scarring, which may occur in different forms and at different levels of severity. It’s important to understand the types of scarring associated with the lipo 360 procedure so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this type of surgery is right for you.


One common type of scarring associated with the lipo 360 procedure is discoloration. This occurs when there is a change in skin tone around the area where the incision was made. The discoloration can range from slight pinkish or reddish hues to darker brown or black patches, depending on the individual’s skin tone and healing process. It’s important to note that this type of discoloration usually fades over time, but may take several weeks or months before it completely disappears.


Another type of scarring associated with the lipo 360 procedure is swelling. This occurs as a result of fluid buildup in the area around the incision site, which can cause discomfort and pain during recovery. Swelling typically subsides within a few days after surgery, but may last up to several weeks depending on how quickly your body heals from the procedure. In some cases, swelling may persist even after recovery has been completed, so it’s important to follow all post-operative instructions carefully in order to minimize any potential complications resulting from prolonged swelling.


Bruising is another common form of scarring associated with the lipo 360 procedure and usually appears as dark purple or blue patches around the incision site. This bruising will usually fade away within a few weeks after surgery, but may take longer depending on your individual healing process. If you experience any persistent bruising beyond two weeks after surgery, it’s important to contact your doctor immediately as this could be a sign of infection or other serious complication resulting from the procedure.

Numbness or Tingling Sensation

In some cases, patients may experience numbness or tingling sensations around their incision sites following lipo 360 surgery due to nerve damage caused by manipulation during the procedure itself. This sensation should subside within a few days after surgery, but if it persists beyond two weeks then it’s important to notify your doctor as soon as possible in order for them to assess whether further treatment is necessary in order to avoid long-term nerve damage or other complications resulting from nerve damage caused by liposuction techniques such as lipo 360.

Infection Risk

Although rare, infection is another potential risk associated with lipo 360 procedures due to bacteria entering through open wounds created during surgery itself. If you notice any signs of infection such as redness, warmth around the wound site, drainage from the wound site, fever or chills then it’s important to contact your doctor immediately in order for them to assess whether further treatment is necessary in order to reduce any potential risk for infection following surgery.

Permanent Scarring

Permanent scarring is another potential risk associated with lipo 360 procedures and usually appears as thickened bands of tissue along incisions sites where fat has been removed from beneath the skin surface during surgery. These scars are often permanent unless treated through laser treatments such as fractional laser resurfacing, which helps break down collagen fibers responsible for forming these types of scars. However, laser treatments are not always successful at eliminating permanent scars, so it’s important that patients discuss all potential risks associated with permanent scarring before deciding whether or not they want undergo liposuction procedures such as lipo 360.

Temporary Scarring

Temporary scarring is also common following liposuction surgeries such as lipo 360 and typically appears shortly after surgery due to inflammation caused by manipulation during surgical techniques. These temporary scars usually heal within several weeks after surgery, however they may take up to several months before they completely disappear. Additionally, temporary scars can be treated through topical creams and ointments prescribed by doctors which help reduce inflammation while encouraging faster healing times.

Recovery Timeframe for Different Types of Scarring

The recovery time frame for different types of scarring varies depending on individual healing processes, however most patients should expect complete recovery within 6 – 8 weeks following their initial surgeries. During this time, it’s important that patients follow all pre- and post-operative instructions given by their doctors carefully in order to minimize any potential risks associated with scarring resulting from their procedures. Additionally, patients should consider using laser treatments if they wish reduce any visible signs of scarring following their surgeries.

Numbness/Tingling Sensation Nerve damage caused by manipulation during procedure itself. Sensation should subside within a few days after surgery, but if persists beyond two weeks then contact doctor as soon as possible to assess whether further treatment is necessary.

Type of Scarring
Recovery Timeframe
Change in skin tone around incision site
Fades over time, may take several weeks or months before it completely disappears
Fluid buildup in the area around the incision site
Subsides within a few days after surgery, may last up to several weeks depending on how quickly body heals from procedure. In some cases, swelling may persist even after recovery has been completed.
Dark purple or blue patches around the incision site
Usually fades away within a few weeks after surgery, but may take longer depending on individual healing process. If persistent bruising beyond two weeks after surgery, contact doctor immediately as this could be sign of infection or other serious complication.


How to Minimize the Risk of Scarring After Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is a cosmetic procedure that can help improve the overall contour of the body. It involves removing fat from around the abdomen, waist, and back. While this procedure can be beneficial for many people, it does come with certain risks and side effects. One of these potential side effects is scarring. In this blog post, we will discuss what types of scarring may occur after a lipo 360 procedure and how you can minimize your risk of scarring.

Choose an Experienced Surgeon or Clinic

The best way to minimize your risk of scarring after lipo 360 is to choose an experienced surgeon or clinic. A qualified and experienced surgeon will know how to perform the procedure in a way that minimizes scarring. They will also have experience dealing with any potential complications that may arise during or after the surgery. Ask your doctor about their experience performing liposuction procedures and make sure they are board certified in plastic surgery.

Follow Pre- and Post-Operative Instructions Carefully

Your surgeon or clinic should provide you with pre-operative instructions that you must follow carefully before undergoing liposuction. These instructions typically include avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol prior to surgery, as well as taking certain medications as prescribed by your doctor. Following these instructions closely can help minimize your risk of complications, including scarring, during or after the procedure.

After the procedure, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions carefully. This includes wearing compression garments as recommended by your doctor and avoiding activities that could cause trauma or irritation to the treated area while it is healing. Additionally, avoid sun exposure during the recovery period as this can cause discoloration in some cases.

Consider Using Laser Treatments to Reduce Scarring

If you are concerned about scars forming after lipo 360, there are laser treatments available that can reduce their appearance over time. Your surgeon may recommend laser treatments such as fractional laser resurfacing or other types of laser skin resurfacing treatments that can help reduce the appearance of scars by stimulating collagen production in the affected area. This type of treatment typically requires multiple sessions over time in order to achieve optimal results.

It is important to note that no matter what type of treatment you choose for reducing scarring after lipo 360, there is no guarantee that it will completely eliminate them altogether. However, following all pre- and post-operative instructions carefully and choosing an experienced surgeon or clinic can help minimize your risk of developing noticeable scars after the procedure.

Main Idea: Minimize risk of scarring after Lipo 360 by choosing experienced surgeon, following instructions carefully and considering laser treatments.


The lipo 360 procedure can be a great way to achieve a more sculpted and contoured figure, however it is important to understand the types of scarring that can occur after the procedure. The most common types of scarring are discoloration, swelling, bruising, numbness or tingling sensation, infection risk, permanent scarring and temporary scarring. To minimize the risk of scarring after lipo 360, it is important to choose an experienced surgeon or clinic and follow pre- and post-operative instructions carefully. Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive sun exposure during recovery period as well as considering laser treatments to reduce scarring may also help minimize potential side effects.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with any type of cosmetic surgery before undergoing the procedure. Consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon can help you make an informed decision about whether lipo 360 is right for you.